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This report is the result of a research project promoted by the IEC-CONADU, together with Education International, starting in 2018. Its main objective is to analyze the processes of privatization and commodification of universities in Latin America and the Caribbean, in­vestigating and reconstructing trends at the regional level as well as local processes. For the latter, in-depth studies were carried out that, to this date, have addressed four cases: Argentina, Chile, Peru and the Dominican Republic..

Cuadernillo elaborado a partir del primer encuentro para el debate del ciclo «Democrática, popular y feminista: La universidad que queremos», realizado en modalidad virtual el 15 de septiembre de 2021. Participan: Fernanda Beigel (CONICET/UNCUYO), Judith Naidorf (CONICET/UBA), Laura Rovelli (CONICET/FOLEC), Fabiana Bekerman (CONICET/UNCUYO), Sonia Araujo (UNICEN), Víctor Algañaraz (CONICET/UNSJ) y Marcelo Pratti (UNLP). Presentación: Yamile Socolovsky (Directora del IEC-CONADU).